Pronunzia e Accenti

Reading Italian in correct way is a very important beginning to learn and to be understandable by your Italian correspondents.
It's also mandatory to understand  Italian speakers either in person, at phone or on screen.
Don't follow these Italian students trying to learn English

 Use an Italian text (any text) submit it to an Italian on line reader like this one and then try by yourself. Compare  version you recorded against automatic speech.
Use this page to listen and record your voice too

important security note
The latest versions of Java (from 7.51) require that is added to the secure website list. Please follow these instructions:
  1. Look into your Control Panel (Start on Windows)
  2. Select Java (Windows) You do not need to log as Admin
  3. Open it and select Configure Java
  4. In the Java Control Panel select the tab Security
  5. Select Edit Site List
  6. Press Add and enter in the blank line:
  7. Press OK and press Continue in the Security Warning panel
  8. Press OK again to close the Java Control Panel
You may be demanded again  to  allow application to run if you are using Chrome browser

Accenti nell'alfabeto italiano - How to correctly write accented characters

From Cyberitalian web site I report their recommendation:
How do I write Italian accented characters?

Here are the Italian accented characters: "à, è, ì, ò, ù" (as in: caffè, università, più, etc.) or "é" (as in: perché).

English keyboards are different from Italian keyboards, and do no show the keys with the Italian accented vowels.

To write Italian accents use one of the following options.

Windows users - Option 1 - ALT key + numeric codes: in Windows, combinations of the ALT key plus a numeric code can be used to type a non-English character (accented letter) in any Windows application.
Example: To input the grave e è (138), hold down the ALT key, type 138 on the numeric keypad, then release the ALT key.

Accent A E E I O U

 (Lower) à

My preferred solution (will fix the issue for every language with accented characters)
Windows users - Option 2 - add the International keyboard: in this way you configure the computer so a small transparent window sits in the task bar that allows you to switch back and forth between the English and International keyboard. When you want to use accented letters just switch to the International keyboard. Then, if you want to type an accented letter you press the appropriate accent key and then the letter.Or you can use International Keyboard only  and you'll never regret as English never uses accented characters (NfE)

For example: ` + e = è

Similarly, ' + e = é

See instructions for adding and using the International keyboard. You can just leave the International keyboard on all the time. It will create some minor nuisances when you type certain punctuation marks. For example, in order to type [ ' ] you press [ ' ] then spacebar.

Mac users - OPTION key: when you want to add a letter with a symbol in just about any Mac OS X application, hold down the Option key and press the appropriate symbol key. Release the keys and type the letter you want to receive the symbol. Take "perché" — you type p, e, r, c, h, then press Option-E (to get the right-leaning acute accent), then e. As in most of these combinations, the acute accent key command is linked to the letter most likely to need the symbol in question — in this case, the letter e. But if you need to type the Italian limóne, say, you press Option-E, then o.

The left-leaning (grave) accent is simple to remember, because it has its own key: the ` above the Tab key. Just press Option-`and then the target letter: "Eccola là"!

Need to type a capital letter with an accent? Just press Option plus the appropriate key for your symbol, then press Shift as you type the letter you want. For example, to type Évian-les-Bains, use Option-E followed by a capital E.

Windows and Mac users - additional options for entering accents are at this google search 

 Windows user also with  Windows Tasto logo Windows.Key :
In your keyboard enter  Windows Tasto logo Windows.+ R and  in RUN window enter charmap.exe  > OK
  You will be able to copy and paste the character you like from the character maps found on your PC.

Editor for Italian characters:
if you don't like any of the above solutions you can try this editor for Italian accented characters.


Copy and paste from here: you can go back to the oldest and simplest method and copy the Italian accented vowels from here or from our lessons, and then paste them in the exercise field:
à,  è.  ì,  ò,  ù,  é.  À,  È, Ì,  Ò, Ù,  É.