
Aggiornamento del 13 ottobre 2020
Amate gli sceneggiati in Italiano?
Do you like Italian fiction?

La serie italiana più longeva 5500 puntate a ottobre 2020
Oldest Italian fiction "Un posto al sole" (a.k.a. UPAS) is avail here

 Notiziari regionali Italian Regional News
Try several local TV station (be aware not all available always)

Dante Alighieri 700 anni dalla scomparsa a Ravenna nel 1321: guardate questo video/play this video

Provare -Try

Do you understand when you see Italian TV? Italian Radio broadcasted program? Movie?
Try with these tools:
24/7 italian news

on live station you cannot rewind or pause; try it but if you find it difficult  use the news  from  La 7 TV Replay option (former Tele Montecarlo network)
TV stations:
  • Il commissario Cordier una serie "cult" sulla "LA7"
  • Rai Fiction:
    If you get "Video non supportato " or a Screen telling you are not in the area where the program is broadcast check in your class webpage how to connect
    largest choice of programs:
Songs _Canzoni: check your class page for songs presented in class

    Poems: many Italian audio books available at Liber
    Dante Alighieri: the most important father of Italian Language. Listen and understand what he wrote on 13th century.