Open Private blog

As you probably know if you reach this page you have here public pages.
If you are a students following my classes you have access to several other pages continuously updated  according to the subject we studied.
To see your protected web page and files you have to login using ID + PW you received and randomly updated.
From main emitaliano page in left side column under "Students Link" you see links to private pages use to access your class blog:

Select your link and, if you are not already logged by a previous access you'll be asked to login (pls see below to add emitaliano ID to your existing gmail access):
You may been logged with a different ID than one required to access subdomain and in this case you will be asked to login using your logged account ID: you are requested to select "sign in with different account" to add your emitaliano account: 
 Next step will list all your Gmail account you have or logged in in the past since you deleted your browser memory. If you see your emitaliano account click on it and enter your password OR "add account to enter your new ID + PW

In the new screen enter  (1) your ID OR OR OR or other you have.
Enter Password (2)
Select (3) if you plan using same PC to access this page in the future

And you'll see your page. where you see access to  your glossary and to other proprietary files

Login is also required to access proprietary files you can find in mail or web pages if protected by password.
If you already logged to a gmail account you only add your new ID to your existing account using your account name field in top right corner of your Gmail (or other Google service)

If you have any issue contact me at email address you have.

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